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For contact us, please write to: reservas@culturasperu.com
or Call to +51 84 243629 or fill the form

Departure dates

  Start End    
Royal Inca : 7D 09/13/2018 09/19/2018   Book now
  09/22/2018 09/28/2018   Book now
  12/01/2018 12/07/2018   Book now
The Best Of Southern Peru : 20D 09/06/2018 09/25/2018   Book now
  09/13/2018 10/02/2018   Book now
Salkantay & Inca Trail To Machu Picchu : 8D 09/12/2018 09/19/2018   Book now
  09/25/2018 10/02/2018   Book now

Inca Trail regulations



Over the last five years, Peru has become a more popular travel destination. There are many great treks throughout Peru but the Inca Trail is the most well-known. During the peak season of 2000, the trail became so crowded and littered with rubbish, that in 2001 the Peruvian Government proposed many changes to the administration of the Inca Trail in order to protect its fragile eco-structure from over-use: Reducing the number of trekkers on the trail, improving the quality of the tour operators and offering a reservation system whereby trekkers will be forced to make their reservations many weeks (even months) in advance.

Some regulations have been introduced slowly throughout 2001-2003 and further ones at the beginning of 2004, with the main aim of eliminating poor quality operators. All trekking companies operating the Inca Trail must have an operating license issued/renewed every year in December. Culturas Perú is a local operator of the Inca trail.

Number of trekkers allowed

The Government proposed to reduce the number of people on the trail to 500 per day. This figure roughly comprises 200 tourists and 300 trekking staff (guides, cooks and porters) and covers the entire Sanctuary with all trekking routes: the 2 and 4-day Inca Trail as well as the 7-day Salkantay & Inca Trail hike.

Therefore we highly recommend you to make your reservations in advance, there are no extensions at all!!


We recommend you make reservations for the Inca Trail in advance: 8-10 weeks before the planned trip starts. Your reservation must include the following information: Full name, nationality, sex, birth date, and passport number (as it shows in your valid passport). If there are differences between your original passport and the information showing on your entrance ticket you may not be allowed to enter the national park of Machu Picchu.

Since August 2014 entrance fees for the Inca Trail were increased to S/ 254.--/Pers. Students with a valid International Student Identity Card (ISIC) increased to S/ 128.--/Pers (you must bring the card with you on the Inca Trail). If the card isn’t valid or you forget to take your card then there is a high probability you will not be allowed to start the trek. Children under the age of 12 years old also receive a 50% discount. Entrance fees may increase unexpectedly during the year. There is no devolution for canceled or unused permits already paid.

General information

The maximum allowable group size is 16 participants. For groups larger than 8 persons there must be 2 hiking guides.

All our gear is taken care of by porters. The maximum weight that a porter can carry was limited to 20 kg (15 kg load and 5 kg personal items). The weight is checked by government officials at the start of the trail and tour operators receive fines if they overload their porters. This regulation has improved the porters working conditions, however, some of the cheaper companies do not provide their porters with adequate meals or sleeping accommodations and still pay very low salaries.

The Inca Trails are closed each year during the month of February to allow conservation projects to be undertaken as well as giving the vegetation a chance to recover. This month we have other alternative hikes, some ending in Machu Picchu. See alternative hikes

Tandapata 354-A Cusco - Perú
Phone & WhatsApp: +51 984 023 103
